The Lea Roback Foundation


Photography: Louise de Grosbois © Fondation Léa-Roback

Throughout her life, Lea Roback (1903-2000) fought for the rights of women, peace, social justice, and universal access to education. In the 1930s, she became a trade union activist with workers in various industries in the Montreal area. From the 1960s on, Lea Roback was involved in the peace movement and the women’s movement.

Established in November 1993, on the occasion of her 90th birthday, the Lea Roback Foundation, inspired by Lea’s lifelong ideals, awards scholarships to women residing in Québec who are socially committed and economically disadvantaged.

Learn more about the Foundation:

The Foundation in action

Scholars (2018 & 2019)
Scholars (2018 & 2019)
Scholar (2019)
Scholar (2019)
Scholar “Maman va à l’école” (2019)
Scholar “Maman va à l’école” (2019)
Scholars (2016 & 2018)
Scholars (2016 & 2018)
Madeleine Parent Park Opening
Madeleine Parent Park Opening
MVE Signature (2016)
MVE Signature (2016)
Viva Léa! Exhibition (2018)
Viva Léa! Exhibition (2018)

Your financial support is important

As Lorraine Pagé, President of the Foundation puts it: «Every year, I am touched by these women, amongst the most disadvantaged citizens in our community who, all the same, have kept up hope to make a go of it. Every year, I am amazed by the stories of our scholarship recipients and their academic, professional and personal achievements. Please allow me to thank you for your donation on behalf of all these women who are counting on us. They are the reason for our commitment. Your generosity will play a valuable role in changing their lives and in making our world just a little bit more humane.» .

The Foundation’s board of directors enjoys considerable financial aid from many Partners and Great Partners who share its objectives.